We Believe Real People Should be able to Live Life Well

Change is Necessary

We believe that we can and have a responsibility to bring about change. We believe a business should exist to make the best quality products/services they can affordably, their customers and employees lives happy and full filling and equally importantly to make a difference in the world that benefits everyone. We believe it is time for change.If you've wanted to change the world but don't know how or feel like you can't, see how TransparentChanges aims to make a difference and how you can be a real part of it in a variety of ways.

Problems only get solved when we first admit problems exist

Real Stories... Real Issues

It's hard to admit their are problems mainly because we'd feel guilty if we knew but couldn't or didn't do anything about it and for many of us it's just "easier" to pretend or ignore them. Read the real things listed below to see if any of these relate to you at all. If they do, this is what TransparentChanges hopes to change.I once had to make a decision to hire a new college grad at $75k with no experience while a direct employee of mine with 2 years experience in the same role was being paid quite a bit lower. I refused to hire the new grad if the employee didn't get paid more, but the advice from the "company" was they would never know so don't worry about it.. Problem was... I knew.If what I read is accurate, Apple's CEO was compensated $63 million dollars in 2023 and in that same year they cut at least 600 jobs citing they wanted to manage costs and streamline operations. Note it has been stated that in 2023 the ratio of the CEO's salary to the median employees was 672:1. That means 600 people who cost the company potentially less then 10% of the compensation of the CEO were let go and lost their jobs affecting their families and lives.I've worked in many companies where I've seen promotions go to people that support one another, politically, socially, etc... Several have often been horrible people to have in that position (aka they are afraid to innovate cause they don't want to rock the boat and just want to keep their jobs so they don't make waves and in turn stagnate the company). Then of course there are those that became managers or leaders because someone liked them though their employees don't. I watched as several employees under one such leader all quit or moved out to other positions to get away from a manager that was horrible. Sad part is there was a whole HR department but the reality is it was too hard to find people willing to stand up against the person for fear before anything could be done they would be let go.On another instance I saw a great employee stand up and try to bring up things to upper leadership. She was removed from that position and placed in a position with no directs under her and given a lot of "crap" work to do.. it worked... she quit. She's now the VP of a smaller company and the replacement the company put in her place didn't even last a year before she was let go.At Southwest Airlines I worked with a friend to get certified and trained so that we could invent and fix a problem that SWA was having moving mail many years ago. The system the company had was missing mail scans and therefore wouldn't get paid by the postal service if they couldn't get their scan rates up. The system they had was put in by a vendor for X million dollars and later one of the vendor's key employees was made CTO of SWA. My group was in charge of improving the scan rate. We worked for over a year and barely moved the scan rate up because the system was designed bad and too manual with too many points of failure from the get go and just needed a new design. A friend of mine and myself designed a working prototype that achieved nearly a 90% plus scan rate with little to no manual intervention. We presented the idea to Operations and they loved it. We asked that we be allowed to lead the team that developed it. The CTO heard about it and filed with an attorney to have us "sued" in essence. I tried to reach out to management and leaders and to the CEO himself to explain but most were scared to lose their jobs if they got involved and the CEO didn't want to know about it and all turned their back on us leaving us alone to fight against the CTO. When the attorney tactic didn't work because we had done nothing wrong nor taken or used company intelligence the CTO split me and my friend up dumping us on teams completely unrelated and stopped the project. Both me and friend eventually quit within a month. The CTO got what he wanted, the CEO never had to hear about the problems, SWA lost a $60 Million dollar USPS mail contract and all the revenue after USPS started enforcing the scan rates. The CTO eventually left and the CEO was replaced... justice eventually.Being in position to hire folks at some places I worked I saw all kinds of injustice. At one place a contract company was billing out to the client at $250+/hr and the person doing the work was getting paid w2 around 100K. At another company I hired an individual (developer) I was paying $75 bill rate an hour for. After several months the developer came to me to ask for a raise, I was shocked thinking he was making at least $50 an hour. Since we had a good honest, trusting transparent relationship he told me and showed me he was getting paid only $25 dollars an hour. The consulting company was pocketing the money. The "overseeing" group in the company that is supposed to prevent things like that doesn't get involved with what they employees are paid and technically i'm not allowed to ask or know either... Everyone is in the dark except the consulting company who was paying someone $25/hr with almost no benefits and charging $75/hr pocketing over $40/hr from the person working?

Just because something has always been this way doesn't mean it should stay that way

Why Change

Business hasn't changed in decades!! Sure technology has, things have advanced but the basic premise of people getting worked to death, let go at any time, companies only truly caring about turning a profit and pleasing share holders, the world of "green" only mattering if it's profitable, 9-5 in office mentalities, and much more have been around for decades. So much so many of us have accepted this as the norm.
But what if we could change that? What if you lived in a world that wasn't that way?


What's your Legacy

Have you ever wondered what impact you've made on the world? Aside from family and friends most of us can't seem to change the way the world is going and yet we watch the world get worse and worse. Unemployment rising, automation taking people's jobs, uncertainity in the future of your job keeping you stuck where you are, executives making millions and getting bonuses shortly before or after a major round of layoffs, promotions to those that don't deserve it but that play politics or suck up better then others, a world where the more ruthless and conniving you are seems to lead to prosperity. As a father, a husband, a son, a brother, an uncle, a friend and more I have struggled to make anyone's life let alone the world that much better. It saddens me that my kids may enter a world much like the world I've been in, like my father has been in, like his father before him has been in.



Everyone says one person can make a difference, but is that really true? I've started or been a part of several businesses. Yes, and very rarely a lot of hard work, a lot of risk, and a dedication to the business sometimes allows you to have a lot of money and live a comfortable life. The reality is most of us won't be able to do this because of: family, taking care of others, ideas that require money or a team or time or all of those. There is a reason why the rich get richer for the most part. They have the means to invest time, money, and man power to making money. The rest of us are just trying to survive.But what if, your job paid you the most it could, what if you got to work from home or had benefits that really mattered to you, what if a company actually cared about its employees so much that the company strived to keep its employees and customers happy equally as the primary goal with profits and other distractions taken out of the picture or goals with lower priorities?

Aim High, Believe we can make a difference

The Goal

TransparentChanges is going to go industry by industry business by business revolutionizing the way the business treats its employees, customers, and operates forcing other business to be better or lose in the long run. We want employees to love working, to feel cared for, customers to feel appreciated with loyalty being more important than a "new" customer, where customers always get the best deals and prices and businesses aren't trying to maximize revenue by charging customer more than they need to just cause they can or the customer may not know.As an example, imagine a company where the "new customer" doesn't get the best deals, where the loyal customer does instead automatically! Think cellular service, utilities, streaming services, and more.What if you knew why a company charged you the fees they do for your service-- how much they spent on payroll, how much they spent on costs, on research, on everything and you knew why you were paying what you were paying?What if the company that you worked for you know the CEO's salary, you knew everyone's salary or at least the range? Think about why companies hide this? Is it for their benefit? or yours?Did you know the average CEO salary for a large company was $2M, mid size $1.5 and small $800K -- why? When most likely the average employee is under $150K if not much lower. What if CEO's made a fixed percentage of the average of their highest direct report? What if your manager made a fixed percentage of the average of their direct reports? The world would be different, for them to get higher salaries means that everyone below must get higher salaries. A shift in mindset... A needed shift in mindset.

Every person makes a difference

The Catch

To make change we need you, actually we need a lot of people. People is the first key. We need people that have the same goals and passion to help start/run businesses. We need people to invest in us and help guide what we do. We need people to spread the word. Whether you want to work, invest, or just spread the word we need your help. Find what you're comfortable doing and how you want to help and give it all you have.

Your InvolvementBenefitCostAction 
Interested but just want to stay informedWilliam Gibson19840-441-56956-0hello
Spread the Word (via email, text, call, however you wish)William Gibson19840-441-56956-0hello
Interested in buying stock - we need 1 Million people to buy $1000 each worth of stockNeal Stephenson19920-553-08853-X 
Want to work for a TransparentChanges businessRudy Rucker19820-441-77408-3